Divine Connection - Part 1

Scripture Reading - Psalms 37:23 KJV

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

Greetings fellow believer in the Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you today while he fills you with all Peace. Today we are focusing on one of the ways of God. This means all Children of God ought to be led by the Holy Spirit of God as noted in Romans 8:14 KJV. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” One way of stating this truth is “being in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen”. Yes, as far as God is concerned it should be good things happening to us (not bad things) all the time in agreement with Jeremiah 29:11 ERV (Easy to Read Version). “I say this because I know the plans that I have for you." This message is from the LORD. "I have good plans for you. I don't plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future.” Yes God’s Will is to bless us with Heavenly blessings (spiritual gifts and things) while we are upon the earth and even give good things (natural material blessings) while living on this earth. If you think about it all the Earth is God’s with the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1) so why wouldn’t He want to give good things unto His Beloved Children from His good creation the earth. This is God’s Will but He needs our help to complete the transaction. Yes, God has a spiritual part of administering His Good Gifts unto us and we have a part to perform to receive from God. First, let us say receiving from God without people being involved is easier than the situations where someone else needs to be involved. This means in our personal prayer time when fellowshipping with God He speaks to us in line with His Word (The Holy Bible). Sometimes you can receive encouragement or revelation right away because God lives inside of you. We must always remember He lives in our heart so He can talk to you directly and even direct your steps. Yes, you two can even discuss what is the game plan for today. This type of consistent daily fellowship is how the Good Lord will direct your steps. He won’t always say go here or do this or that but what He will do is given you an inward impression in your heart (a witness, an unction, a peace) when you are supposed to do something He is suggesting (recommending, asking). We find God to be very gentle and patient with us such that if we don’t get it the first time He comes again (and again) to help us get what He wants for us to know. This is important and when you do what He is speaking to your heart it will benefit yourself and possibly others because God can bless anyone who is involved with His Divine Plan for your life. We all should strive to be in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen because the opposite of that is being in the wrong place at the wrong time for the wrong things to happen to you (bad things). This is what the enemy (The Devil and his kingdom) wants for you. He is always setting traps but God’s Grace and Wisdom is always looking out for your good by steering us away from Satan’s traps. Yes, we even have the Angels of God protecting us from all evilness and hidden traps when we do God’s Will from our heart. This isn’t automatic, we need to listen to God and follow God’s Word to even know the difference between bad (the wrong path) and good (the right path). There are plenty of biblical examples but one that comes to mind is when the Lord told Peter to let down the nets and he did so and caught a ship load of fish. Yes, so many fish that two ships were starting to sink (Luke 5:7). This means although Peter was fishing as a professional fisherman God’s order (go to deep waters and let down your nets) upon Peter’s life at that moment yielded much blessing to Peter and anyone who was with Peter as part of the team. Likewise, God is looking to bless all His Children and His servants when their heart is right in wanting to bless God and other people in general. So dear child of God exercise your will to start believing God to direct your steps unto all good things all time. Extend your faith to boldly confess, “God orders my steps daily to succor my Divine Connections”. We (ihlcc) want God’s best for you and this blessing is one way you can enjoy more of God’s Goodness. Also one point worth mentioning when you start seeing (realizing) this is happening in your life be sure to give God the glory, praise and thanksgiving that is truly due His Name because we are sure your Heavenly Father and your Savoir Jesus Christ are watching and listening to you all the time. So you could just as easily thank God every morning for His Favor and His plan being wrought in your life today, tomorrow and forever In Jesus Name. Amen!